The real sense of Inception

Haha… I can’t deny, “Inception” has something… After you have watched it, you ask yourself about the big take away idea. After a long search, I found it: “If you run a Virtual Machine inside a Virtual Machine inside a Virtual Machine inside a Virtual Machine, everything will be…

Truth about flights

Flying is great 🙂 You are excited to be in a completely different place many thousands kilometers away within only few hours… But the flying experience is something that may scare you away. In-transparent ticket prices (typically not flexible and with 5 unmentioned service charges), long expensive transport to the airports,…

Illusion of a neutral internet?

Is today’s internet neutral? Hmm… no, but the situation could get much worse. Decisions and agreements which are now heavily discussed in the US may result in a global paradigm shift. When it comes to internet, there are typically following 3 parties involved:  * Internet Service Provider (securing the infrastructure…

FaceTime: Mobile video calling "reloaded"

Video calling is a very intriguing and old concept. But somehow it does not seem to catch up! What went wrong? Key barriers until now: 1. Price: As happened to mobile internet in the past, it did not pick up until the prices went down. Today mobile operators ask you…

2010 - we are coming!

2010 expects us with a huge number of revolutionary developments, some of them I’ll try to cover. Cars of the future The concept of a future car is changing much faster than before. New engine technologies (hybrid or electric), new designs / materials, new car types (e.g. X1, X6…