Artistic CSS

Art knows no limits… Beautiful examples of CSS perfection to draw famous images. Fun fact – it looks different depending on the browser you choose 🙂 Hint: Chrome and Safari show it best. “The Simpsons” by Chriss Pattle “Portrait” and “Fruits poster” by Diana Smith…

Make yourself invisible

In case you want to share photos and videos on internet, but don’t want face recognition engines to identify you, there might be an interesting solution – a digital cloaking filter. An increasing number of researchers focus on the problem on how to reclaim digital privacy while still participating in…

The antivirus is dead, long live the antivirus!

The good old times, the winning quality of antivirus solution depended on how fast would they find out about a new threat, then add its fingerprint to the signature files (to be able to block it) and finally distribute it to its customers. Too many steps where each could go…

Car - pick up the groceries and come back

Best quotes from Elon’s investor talk on Car Autonomy: In the future, people will want to outlaw people driving their own cars because they’ll be unsafe The probability of the steering wheel being taken away is 100%. Consumers will demand it. We have quite a good simulation, but…

3D point cloud of Notre Dame

Andrew Tallon worked for years with most modern laser scanners to capture the entirety of the Notre Dame cathedral’s interior and exterior in meticulous 3D point clouds – resulting in a billion points of light, revealing a living structure. Great National Geographic documentary (watch).…

What's outside the simulation?

Elon Musk’s answer during an intriguing interview on Artificial Intelligence (must-watch!) to what would he ask an an all-knowing-machine (AGI) : …“What’s outside the simulation?”…

Write emails with military precision

You hear often, that email is broken – and a magical software tool is going to solve it. I don’t think so. But you can solve it. Here is a great guide from Harvard Business Review. Key take aways: 1. Write the necessary action in the subject. Example: ACTION, DECISION,…

The video game subscription wars are on

Will Google Stadia stop the hardware madness for gamers? Short answer: not soon.  Axios has an excellent summary of what’s at stake. Having a platform is fundamental (and nobody managed it until now at big scale), but real breaking point is how to get games on it (and remain…